Friday, October 7, 2016

I'm back and ready to review

It has been a long time since I took my break. I would not blame my readers if they all stopped reading this blog, but I just wanted to let the people know that I am accepting books again. I must admit I prefer reviewing books I can hold, but I am willing to take a limited amount of e-books each month. If you are interested in getting a review in exchange for a book you can comment here or send me an email at or I look forward to reading your book. I place all book reviews on this blog. If you would like a link please state that in the email or comment. If you must have a deadline please let me know when the book review needs to be done by and I will tell you if I can do it or not. Please put Book review in subject line so I know what it is for. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know by email or comment. I promise only honest reviews not good ones.